Eta Class - Fall 2018

In Number Order:
Sarah Loyd, Hannah Voss, Jeanna Heezen, Lily Eberhart, Karina Franco, Adriana Ferragut, Nathalie Palma, Sabyne Thompson, Jason Perry
Fun Facts:
The "Eta Empire" crossed on the same day as Kappa Tau's Fall 18 candidate class, Alpha Iota.
Percentage-wise, Eta Class has the most amount of first-semester freshmen out of any fall class in Iota Chi's history.
Jason Perry is a purple brother, also being a part of the Upsilon Psi chapter of Phi Mu Alpha at USF.
Sarah Linnea Loyd
Sweets - Harry Potter Family
MS Business Analytics & Information Systems

Hannah Kathleen Voss
Natural Blue
Quotations Family
Music Performance

Rhythm and Harmony
Quotations Family
Music Performance, Integrated Public Relations and Advertising

Jeanna Marie Heezen
Lily Jane Eberhart
Tiger Lily
Sidekick Family
Bari Saxophone
Biomedical Sciences

Sunflower Stitch
#SewWhat? - #SeamsLegit Family
Music Studies

Karina Edelmira Franco
Adriana Ferragut
Dulce de LecHe
Sweets Family
French Horn

Mermaid Family
French Horn
Health Science - Biological Science

Nathalie Lourdes Palma-Ramos
Sabyne Avenel Thompson
Into the WoodΣ
#SewWhat? Family
French Horn

Jason Robert Perry II
Malificens Fide
Wicked Family
Music Education