Iota Class - Fall 2019

In Number Order:
Lindsay Pelfrey, Mikayla Guy, Zachary McKinon, McKenna Sawyer
Transfer Sisters:
Mikailyn Conway (Initiated Fall 2018, AΩ at Florida State University)
Fun Facts:
McKenna is a "Purple Sister" as she is also a member of the Delta Chi chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota at USF.
All four were members of the Herd of Thunder Marching Band during their process.
Class nickname: "Iota do it to 'em"
Lindsay Nicole Pelfrey
Golden Älskling
Sweets (Harry Potter) Family
Tenor Saxophone
Major: Sociology

Mikayla Renne Guy
Little Lottepop
Sweets (Harry Potter) Family
Health Sciences

MyΣtical Baton Bunny
Sidekick (Cartoon Network) Family
French Horn
Major: Music Performance

Zachary Edwin McKinnon
McKenna Kristine Sawyer
Keep Moving Forward
Quotations Family
Major: Music Education

Mikailyn Ashley Conway
#SewWhat? Family
French Horn
Health Sciences
Crossed in Fall '18 at FSU